October 31, 2008

Grayson Growing

Our little boy is getting bigger each day! I went in to get him up the other morning and he had both hands on the railing of his crib and was on his knees - oh my! He has not tried to pull himself up on anything so I was really surprised to find him in the crib that way.

Ed got him from his nap yesterday afternoon and he was sitting playing with a little toy. He was so surprised to see Daddy walk into the room:)!

Grayson Looking Surprised
He is so sweet - sitting playing with his little lamb... could just eat him up!

Halloween Morning!
His sisters are very excited that Grayson is sitting in his crib. Hannah Kate came running into my room to tell me, "Mommy, Grayson is sitting up again! He did it all by himself!" Grayson loves the attention he gets from his sisters - he is all smiles when they come into his room!

Chatting away to his sisters!
So now the days of finding Grayson lying on his back playing with his toes I guess are gone... maybe he'll surprise us from time to time and still be laying down peering over his bumper pad to see who is coming in to get him. These babies grow too fast!

1 comment:

Cece said...

Oh my, I can't believe how adorable he is Aly! That red hair is really going to get him noticed too...I bet it already has :-) I remember well being out with you and HK and getting stopped so much with people asking about her hair. Sort of like how it is with twins :-)