October 11, 2008

Air Show

Wow - it has been a long time since I last posted! September flew by and October is doing the same...it will be Christmas before I know it!! The end of September we were able to see the Thunderbirds here in CA. There was a show out in Salinas that the whole family went to...not just me & the kids... daddy was there to help too!! Loved the show - loved sitting & enjoying the VIP tent without chasing kids around:) I am so thankful for the time we enjoyed on the Thunderbirds and all the air shows we went to, but I don't need to get back into that anytime soon!

Mommy & the girls in the VIP tent

There was a Thunderbird VIP tent which had the bare minimum - some shade, water and chairs. The team was nice to give us passes into the "President's Club" tent which had everything - great food, drinks, tables & chairs...very enjoyable!

Caroline in her Thunderbird gear

Our neighbors also came out to enjoy the show. Here are the girls with Carter & Calvin.

Grayson enjoying his 2nd air show...first show he was just a week old at Nellis. We love his Thunderbird gear from the Farrar's. Those 2 Thunderbird jets on the front of Grayson's shirt are his daddy flying with Brian!

Grayson happy the air show is over!


Cece said...

Gotta love the VIP tent! I bet it was strange actually watching an airshow WITH Ed?! Love the background too..guess you figured it out! Enjoy the cool weather for us in CA. It's still 90degrees here :-(

Joel and Angela said...