April 19, 2008

Viva Las Vegas!

Well our time here in Vegas is coming to an end. While it has been great to be with so many friends I am ready to leave the dry, dusty desert. We have enjoyed so many visitors over the couple of years we've been here. My sister & brother-in-law have probably been our most frequent visitors! They know how to take in all the strip has to offer and enjoy time here with the girls. They were just here last week and we did something we've never done before - go down and take our picture at the "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign. We risked life & limb stopping in the middle of the Las Vegas strip and going out to the sign in the middle of the road:) They do have it pretty easy to get to, but the loading & unloading in the middle of the road did worry me a bit.
Ater getting the picture taken we went down to Towne Square mall and enjoyed lunch & the playground.... great new outdoor mall for anyone coming to Vegas.
We had a great visit with Kerri & Ford - I think Hannah Kate enjoyed her Aunt Kerri being here and buying her a HAMSTER for her birthday! Everyone in the family loves her and I find her too mouse/rat like! Caroline does sit for quite a while watching Oreo wash herself and run on her wheel... good entertainment:)
Hannah Kate with Oreo and her Oreo birthday cake!
We have another six weeks here if anyone wants to come visit - we're happy to do tours of Vegas until we leave:)!

1 comment:

Joel and Angela said...

Cute Rat! Love the name!