1 - We have to learn to turn down the noise and hear God.
2 - We need to get the Bible in us - this is particularly applicable to me!
3 - We need to record our thoughts.
Over the years I've tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to somehow save notes I've taken from Church, small groups, personal quite time, etc. I've got a collection of church bulletins, notebooks, and random pieces of paper all over. Every now and again I'll stumble across an old sermon or something that God used to speak to me and think "wow...I remember this..." My system has been one of anarchy! So...I'm going to give this blogging thing a try - it's a road trip on the information superhighway. The posts will sometimes be from me, sometimes from Aly - we'll see how it all goes. Post #1 begins as a way of keeping track of my thoughts on my spiritual walk / sermon notes / prayer life / God's overall work on my life and His vector for me and my family. It most likely will include all of this, but is certainly not exempt from totally irrelevant ramblings. And I blog...
Yesterday at Grace Point we listened to the sermon entitled "Arrested Development: Adolescence". It really spoke into my heart as my spiritual walk has had some ups and downs since I was saved. Sometimes my walk is in full afterburner, other times my walk is barely above idle - I am asking the Lord for consistency. Anyway - here's the gist of the sermon:
- The overall idea was as new believers in Christ, we all go through a period of spiritual infancy where we rely on others - our church, our pastor, more "mature" believers - to feed us.
- Many Christ followers fall into a trap of getting stuck in spiritual infancy and are content
- We need to learn to feed ourselves
- Dimmer Switch principle - the more you follow the Lord - the more he turns the light up and shows you more
- Growing up is hard - it stretches you
- How much of your spiritual life is the same old same old?
Blog post #1 complete - didn't expect to ramble this much...maybe I have a future in this.
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