December 28, 2008

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!

I'm trying to catch everyone up on our month of December! After school ended, the girls were in a Christmas play with some kids from the neighborhood. It was so sweet to see all the kids acting out the birth of our Savior. Our neighbor, Heather, got it all together...reserving the chapel at NPS, organizing the parts and holding rehersals. THANK YOU Heather! Everyone loved the afternoon performance.

Hannah Kate was one of the narrators. She did an excellent job reading her lines...and there were a lot of them! All 3 of the narrators did a great job re-telling the story of Mary & Joseph's travels & birth of Jesus... very proud of them all!

Caroline was an angel. She was too cute walking down the isle at the chapel to take her place among the nativity scene. Once she spotted Bama in the audience she really performed... waving, blowing kisses...etc... I think this picture is actually mid-wave :)

All the neighborhood kids wanted to be Mary...well the girls at least! Heather drew names out of a hat to assign the parts for the play and Madison was chosen to be Mary - and an excellent Mary she was!! She did a great job up on stage - coming in with the angel who told her she would have a child, coming to the Inn with Joseph and sitting with the little baby... it was all so sweet!

All the kindergarten neighbors - Jillian was the Inn Keeper's Wife, Madison as Mary and Jacqueline was the Christmas Star that lead the shepards & wise men to Jesus. They all did a great job playing their important roles!
OUR FAMILY My parents are here for Christmas and arrived 2 days before the play. The girls were so excited to have them here for the play! After the pageant was over we enjoyed snacks there at NPS. I was able to gather my 3 actors for a quick picture with the family! They all did a great job sharing the true Christmas Story... I love the joy they have!

December 15, 2008

Picture with Santa

Wow - so behind on the blog! I have neglected the blog since finding Facebook...thanks Cece! I guess I should replace the Thanksgiving background with something Christmas, but no time for that now. Just wanted to put a picture of the kiddos with Santa. We had them dressed to do a family picture on the beach after Thanksgiving. It was a slightly overcast day, but good for no squinty eyes in the sun... but the WIND was terrible! Couldn't open our eyes to take a picture! Off to the mall all dressed alike for some Chipotle for dinner. As we walked there was Santa waiting for some kiddos to take their picture...since it was only the day after Thanksgiving there was no line of kids! The girls were excited to see Santa, and Grayson really liked the facial hair... a little hard to get him to look at camera:) Hope you all are doing well & ready to celebrate the birth of our Lord & King! What a wonderful time of year!