Yesterday Grayson turned 4 months old! He's turning into such a fun little guy - his personality keeps getting better & better as he interacts with us all. Such a joy these days as he's happy to just roll around on a blanket and look at his toys.
We bought him a Bumbo seat and he enjoys it for little bits of time as his neck still isn't totally steady. He really knows his hands are there and can grab his sister's hair! He's learning young how to defend himself when they are too close for his liking!
He also uses his hands to grab his feet which he loves to do as well.
He loves to suck his 2 fingers...or toes! He's so funny to watch as it takes him a while to get his foot into his hand and then work it into his mouth...flexible little one we may have to start in gymnastics like his sisters!
His fingers are his favorite - he sucks the middle two fingers on his right hand. My older two were pacifier kids and Caroline sucks her first two fingers on her left hand - each one is different for sure!
When Grayson is sleeping, he uses his right hand to hold in his left hand - too cute!
Our Family
All six of us enjoyed the 4th of July celebration in Lake Tahoe. We rented a cabin here near our friends, the Dahlstroms, for a few days. The kids had a great time playing with their boys at the lake and bike riding... another blog! We're moving into our house this week, but I'll hopefully have some down time before our things are delivered on Friday to update the blog. We've had a month on the go - Estes Park, CO, visiting friends in CO, family reunion and Lake Tahoe - lots of pictures I'd love to share! I hope you all enjoyed celebrating the 4th of July - lots of freedoms here in the US we take for granted, but we're so thankful to all who are serving our country and are away from their loved ones... you are in our prayers!